An Intro:

Hey friends! My name is Adi, although that's probably useless information to you. What really matters here is an interest in all things spooky. It's an interest that I have and hopefully you do, too.

There's something really fascinating in the seemingly inexplicable. Let me elaborate a little bit: serial killers, possession, murder, even death. Now ask yourself, why do any of the above exist or happen? Some could respond with a "because the world is messed-up." But really you could justify anything and everything with that response. Truly, we don't really know why those things happen. And that's so interesting to me. So I'm here to tell and share the stories I read that fascinate me in hopes that they'll fascinate someone else, somewhere.

I don't have one today, because I figured I should explain my page a little bit. So my apologies, but hopefully you guys got some clarification on just what you'll be getting yourself into by checking in on me here.

Another disclaimer I have to mention: this page is an assignment for one of my classes. HOWEVER, that does not mean I love it any less. If anything, it means I will be trying my absolute best to provide the best content seeing as I will be graded on it. I think without this assignment, I wouldn't ever start a blog. So this is just what is pushing me to start and continue with this cool project.

I think that's all I've got for today, folks. Until next time, stay spooky.
~Adi (adsmads)


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